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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 14, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> i think we need to look beyond the next four years and make a commitment you keep it in this country. that is what it means to have a president who actually has a spider. i could see myself putting my support behind desantis. got several five year old president preble win these battles for you. >> would be hard for him to convince me other than nikki haley progressive new a new genegenerational leader the sovereign focus on the path to correct some caucusing for president trump are going to think you look at joe biden as a bedlam. you have a vendor cannot lead too. >> they think we are a flyover state we want to get our voice heard we will get out. >> ibrexit selection eat and ioa in baby it is cold outside. caucus scaucus scores are such e dangerously cold temperatures so they can cast the very first in the 2024 election. who knows where we will be in the end but good afternoon everybody. good morning to those here in iowa or west of the mississippi. i am built here in des moines too. >> good morning it is good to be here. i'm dana and welcome to special
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edition of america's newsroom ally from des moines it is cold. aside this habit couldn't get up on the plane because a jetway was frozen to the tarmac i know is really cold. >> welcome we are going to take you through and see what kind of impact the weather has. we are not going to know any of that. >> islands do not seem to be concerned. tomorrow night i will public and get the chance to carcass the contests are different from primary elections. they are in person. meetings run by the state party not the government. here's a look at how they will work for. >> registered republicans will gather close to 1700 caucus sites across 99 counties. that could be a school, a church, it could be your neighbor's living room. >> once underway proper sentencr representative each campaign can make their pitches and then it is time to bow projects caucus goers write their pick for president on a blank piece of paper. those ballots are collected encountered in public view. ask the final tally gets reported to the state party 48
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delegates which will go to the candidates based on results by. >> here is the x factor in all of this that is the weather and man wind chill is about 40 below. it feels good. dangerously cold forcing candace to cancel advance its prompting concerns some folks in iowa could stay home monday night. >> the last five years is the best at worst it's been. >> i have never seen iowa so excited i think the bill people show up. >> and the iowa is pretty hardy. i think they will be out. [inaudible] i will people are dedicated. dana: the latest polling shows president trump is holding strong inverse. nikki haley rising to second and florida governor desantis not far behind. built pollution is here in des moines. bill, how has my advice to you
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gone? >> i got the gator it helps a lot because it is brisk out here. that poll you guys mentioned is a highly respected "des moines register" poll it finally came out last night but really gives us our final snapshot to see were islands voters heads are apt to be h had to caucus day tomorrow. that poll shows donald trump has a commanding lead over the rest of the field will pull it up right now to get the look of the numbers donald trump coming at a 48%. nikki haley a strong second place at 20%. followed by desantis at 16 and vivek ramaswamy at 8%. one thanks about hailey's numbers as a poll data shows 43% of the people who say they're going to vote for nikki haley also say they would vote for biden over trump in a general election. showing nikki haley's building a coalition of antitrust voters. we look at video of ron desantis and nikki haley and penny here in the hawkeye state they both been fighting for second place. they've been attacking each other pretty nonstop by desantis
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and haley is not conservative enough. haley says desantis could it be biden in a one on one match every desantis poinsettias got more endorsements in haley's home state of south carolina. and haley is responding to that, take a listen. >> we have a 74 endorsement from current and former state legislators. she's got 14. i've way more than donald trump dumped as well. in the way to minute she was governor for six years yet most of that side with me because they see me as representing the values of south carolina. >> let me tell you why that is but that is because i push the legislature onset of a voice vote as they had to shout showing their vote on the records or taxpayers could see it. i created transparency so no, elected officials of the state house did not like me because i thought for the taxpayer cited upright for them. ask for the first time in recent memory donald trump went after netanyahu posting on "truth social" that vivek ramaswamy is sly and is quote running a deceitful campaign.
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he also said he is not maga. so guys we are now and essentially a circular firing squad with the gop primary as everybody is going at each other with one day left before the caucus will send it back to you. we set it right bill melugin thank you. bill: okay dana, here is the big news last night. the "des moines register," the local newspaper comes out the final pole on the saturday night before the big caucus except for four years ago when they did not release it because there is a data hitch. this is what we got last night. donald trump dropping three points from the previous bow back in december. nikki haley up four points desantis down three vivek ramaswamy ups rate you are 48, 20, 16, eight. when we start the caucus as of tomorrow night. both are going to play the game at this talk turns out by the way, for republican contested caucuses this right here is a record. no republican's ever beat the second place in finisher by 20 points we will see how it goes.
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we went back in time right here i can show you that if my machine works. these are republicans of the biggest margin in victory over the second place finisher. way back in 1988 bob dole was 12.8% and then down the line with george w. bush really good showing in 2000. but again if you go back to the pole number from trump, if he gets there and does a better than that it's a major headline because no republican has ever done it put out come back here one time and find this. the smallest margin of victory. we have been here many times. we saw what happened 2012 mitt romney went back and forth, .03% that is about as close as we get. then we can go back to 1980 with reagan and bush and bob dole again in 1996. that is a historical look right now as we see whether or not trump can get it and where the second-place comes in. what that as a set up here is the candidates on the beat from
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yesterday, watch. >> went to deliver a shock to the world. monday night with all of your help to do a progress do not complain about what happens in a general election if you don't plan this caucus. it matters. >> are going to pack so much punch on monday night in the other election he will be able to participate and pick i say landed an airplane it's a messy out there. the trump v trump voter has so e spirit said they will walk over classic trump voters coming to vote. dana: getting out and vote is the name of the game but candidates are making the final pitch. rnc chairman is here it is interesting to come back every four years and see how things have changed here's what's not changed look at this the level of enthusiasm among caucus goers in december, 31% extremely, and i've got a sense i will once again the showing we take it very seriously were going to show up despite the temperature.
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this is the first time since 1976 the democrats are not playing in iowa. republicans and i will have nothing to prove which is democrats got it wrong we were to show why iowa deserves to continue to be the first in the nation caucus. and that is why a lot of them will turn out as well. bill: the range is what one or 50000 at the low end? 225,000 at the hyatt for republicans is about the range? what's the highest republicans has been 137,000. >> that was in 2016 too. >> and that lois has been about 87000. bill: its guesswork right now but islands are tough people that got floral drive vehicles. we've got it day and have to clean up the snow and ice what you expect nation? what's on for michigan have been your two days. i think the roads are fine. if you're wearing your boots and have the right stuff that this is by the says hockey weather on the local pond. maybe a little more warm with some longjohns you got to have the right gear but i don't think it's that bad.
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dana: we know president trump's lead has been where it is and has been commanding and enduring and has continued for the have the fact we have this primary where i know one of your concerns initially was our the cat is going to beat each other up so much that it makes a general election hard? so now we've got to the process of art iowa, where you see it now? what's with this benefits us. as a party the energies on our side that we are having primaries and the democrats are pre-joe biden h is not than a campaign event or done to in the past 22 days is not on the trail but here islands are engaged. new hampshire voters are going to be engaged. south carolina, nevada, we are energizing them now for november and i think it's a net positive for us. bill: have a new look at the "des moines register" but we just showed, what you take away from that in terms of enthusiasm? what you do you don't see? >> president trump continues have very largely be seen that throughout the entire process. i do think it comes under organization whose voters are going to be the most energized. who's going to show up? f cap caucus captains are 1600
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locations across the state. if you do not have an organization and a ground game i think trump's ground game is better than it was when he ran in 2016. desantis as a good ground game, nikki has a good ground game and organization will be key to market quickly about the use of factor vivek ramaswamy has brought to the contest? >> we will see, we'll see tomorrow what that does with the youth vote here and where that trends in the final results. bill: what is your impression about prosecuting the case against joe biden, the candidates out here as opposed to prosp prosecute the case agat each other to try to get an edge? >> am always going to beat let's talk about joe biden i prefer we are talking about joe biden keeping our eye on the prize. but of course are trying to win primaries in the caucus are going to go after each other. but the voters write our focus on joe biden for they know groceries are costing more than a no insurance, everything in your life right now customer insurance, home heating, everything it is a death by 1000
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financial cuts for average families that are barely making it paycheck to paycheck and they are hurting. and then they are worried about what's happening on the global front and certainly what's happening at our southern bo border. there is a lot of angst in this country they are looking at our candidates and sing how are you going to deliver us from this disaster? that is what i think the message is that his resignation. >> i want to quote one caucus goer in this "des moines register" paper today. i run a country called zips we sell tow trucks is kind of weather so we call record sunshine. [laughter] it is sunny. >> it is sunny but it's 40 below pick. >> it's sunny, it is icy. i have been driving around west our four-wheel-drive it has been fine. i think the roads are okay. think it's navigable. i also think there is a passion. people are iowa tough. we saw football game last night minus 22 of the fans are out that that is what i was going to be the going to be going to the football game on monday and
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making sure to vote. dana: you think 2020 will be back in iowa are choosing the process will change? >> i'm a firm believer in iowa. i want to give a big shout out to the iowa chair jeff kaufman and go to iowa caucus gop if you want to know where you want to caucus. it is a small state. people can navigate it's not about money. it's person-to-person contact and i do not want to lose that inner presence or politics. dana: it's good to have contact with you this morning because it's warm in here. >> thank you so much. as we mentioned it is a busy day on the campaign trail here in iowa. b-uppercase-letter crisscrossing the state all day we are awaiting in person events and former president trump, governor degovernorrhonda sanchez, nikki, vivek ramaswamy do not forget asa hutchinson it all kicks off less than an hour from now. >> in the meantime we are moments away we will speak with nikki haley about the overnight polling showing her gaining some ground and a suggestion that trump does not have the state locked up. we will get the loaded on that t
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coming up. dana: talk about low the freezing temperature and may put a damper on caucus. bill: iowa women's basketball team not letting the winter weather showing up neither for the fans either the star player caitlyn clark has a cereal box as we roll on from iowa that is getting the attention here in the hawkeye state. back in a moment from des moines. >> i do agree we need something other than to old white guys to choose from. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) hey, jen. i need skin advice. sure. am i ready for retinol? neutrogena® retinol? yes! it evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines, with visible results in just one week.
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safe step walk-in tub.
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dana: republican presidential candidate nikki haley jumping past ron desantis in second place in latest "des moines register" poll the comella
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sniper former president trump still holding a commanding lead. two pulitzer prize upset tomorrow night. the favorable opinion, yours went from 59% in december 248 in this poll. why would that have gone down? >> you've got a lot of commercials on tv against us. everybody saw us surgery then started hitting us. that is expected we know that's going to happen but outside the energy of the ground is good. the momentum is good. as long as we keep going up we are going up everybody else is s going down that's good. >> the same pole ever in the political world knows her the "des moines register" poll as a last barometer sometimes is spot on sometimes it's a little off. what she said about your enthusiasm numbers does not concern you? she calls it on the edge of draw dropping 61% are just mildly
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enthusiastic or not that enthusiastic about your candidacy here. >> i remember when there were a dozen candidates and i was 2% in the polls and all of this was still being said. every single month we have moved up. every single month we have defied everything the political pundits have said i walk by faith not by sight i am telling you every step of the weight we are moving because we are connecting with people. because we are talking about the issues they care about. they understand i am a mom i do know what my kids to continue to live like this. they do not want their kids to continue to live like this we are going to keep searching regardless of what everyone said i'm not a political pundit i do not care what you love about the pole we went up everyone else went down that's only look at. dana: do you expect it president trump a win on night? >> he's got a strong leader nobody knows what's going to happen tomorrow but i think everybody sees it for what it is. i saw he fell below 50. that is what you look for is he
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falling below 50? you look at him in new hampshire and we are very close in new hampshire for a road think going into new hampshire it's going to be at 2% race with me and trump. >> before we get to new hampshire we got this i would think that evangelicals are very strong on the state of iowa paid some suggest their influence has waned i don't know if that's the case over the past eight years but in that same pole trump was at 51% among evangelicals very different from where he was eight years ago desantis at 22 and you were at 12. how much of an impact will that have on you on monday night? >> i am writing for every single islands vote. whether they are evangelical or not spread where they are a woman, whether they are a man, whether they are conservative, moderate, independent or conservative democrat. republicans have lost the last seven out of eight popular votes for president i say that over and over again. republicans cannot be okay with running races the way we have always run them. we have to try and win the majority of republicans that's why when you see these head to
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head with biden i crushed bided. ron and trump are within the margin of error. the reason i crushed bided it's because i'm thinking bigger than the republican par party and actually thinking about america. i'm thand think it what do we do heal her to get back on track for everyone not just a certain few. let's go back to that process. i want to get back to a patriotic america that people are proud of it. i just watch my husband get deployed six month ago. you see these sacrifice like that when those men and women fight for what they believe america to be. they don't talk about who was republican or democrat or who is evangelical or who is not or who is a manor who is a woman they talk about what it takes to protect america. i am trying to do that here. i will take support from anybody that will bring it my way. people who want to see a new conservative leader and leave the names of bided and trump in the past and go forward with solutions those the people we are trying to target. dana: one of the criticisms ron desantis said it had of you and
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your candidacy is you are not going to be the strong conservative that people would turn out for a carcass really wants. he thanks you won't fight. i know on the cbs poll this morning so you pull about even with trump and desantis when it comes to toughness. so given that are you concerned the noncollege educated voter the blue-collar worker may be somebody evangelical or otherwise is going to say we like you but she's just not for us this time. >> look i don't think like that. what i think about is related with voters i have been campaigning here in iowa for 11 months. we have done so many town halls. what i try to do is relate to them and tell them what i think is happening in the country and the world and how i think we are going to solve it. all of these fellows want to talk about what they think i can or can't do. i was a tea party governor. i was a strong un ambassador. no one has ever said i was not tough enough.
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asked russia, ascot china, asked my legislatures in south carolina want to force them to show their vote of the regular past reformer do things they did not want to do. i have always been about results. i am an accountant we do not need another lawyer in the white house we need an accountant so we get our economy under control. i am a mom we need to get our kids reading again and get transparency back in the classroom. i care about security. we need to get the recklessness happening on the border put an end to it that is what people are talking about. they look at these wars and wonder how were going to prevent war and keep america safe that is what we talk to people about and they relate to that. bill: we really appreciate you being here, thank you for the time we got a great panel coming up next hour. eight iowans were going to put a lot of questions to them and figure out where they stand on it. good luck out there. >> it is go time very exciting for greg thanks for being here. caucus eve some call it here. bill: below zero temps park and concerned about the potential for low turnout. it is expected to be the coldest talking and decades when shows
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around 20 below. great trouble feels at first he is in des moines, iowa. of the campaign events back on track today? a lot of them work cancel and shuffled yesterday. >> same thing is happening today unfortunately for the candidates trying to make their final push the former south kelowna governor nikki haley who just had on had to shift and in person event to a virtual event today. florida governor desantis had to cancel one event. several are still on though for her president trump was supposed to have two campaign events today. now there is only one. our teams have been out all across the hawkeye state this week asking iowans how committed they are to caucusing tomorrow. >> i mean i've you like the super decisive election but is it depends how passionate they are i will be out no matter what the weather is doing. >> is going to hurt the caucus for. >> my mother's 92 years old
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she's already told me that if it is snowing or ice you going to come pick me up in your four-wheel-drive pickup. >> i definitely think it will impact people that are not passionate about their candidate. >> all of the candidates are urging their supporters to layer up and show up even in the frigid temperatures. former president trump is counting on supporters in rural areas where it is quite possible that by tomorrow evening some roads are still covered in snow from the past week. too that end there are reports the trump campaign is identifying supporters in key areas with four-wheel-drive vehicles who couldn't shuttle cs to the caucus sites. >> if you say g, were leading by a lot but it's especially with weather like this you just have to get out. a friend of mine said they are hardy people in iowa and they are hardy i know that. >> 2016 iowa caucuses set a turnout record for the gop but
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on that day eight years ago, temperatures were about 40 degrees warmer than the forecast for tomorrow. but bill, as one island told fox yesterday if the chiefs and dolphins can play in these temperatures like they did last night, then certainly caucus goers can walk from their cars to the caucus site. which side is right they are tough enough. thank you grady nice to see you outside. here in des moines thank you. dana: a huge upset for i was state women's basketball team the unranked cyclones facing number four baylor at home in ames, iowa with a ticket early lead in the first quarter but baylor quickly took it back and held onto it until the fourth quarter. but bill, get this the clone scored in the last 30 seconds to win as i was state's second straight win against a top 25 25 opponent that would back in action this week taken on texas tech. it was a big deal because it sure is. she has her own cereal box now but no she doesn't yet. >> is a coming? what this coming now you can't
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talk about i would basketball and less you talk about caitlyn clark, right? >> sorry. it's against indiana. [laughter] right now check it out. >> six seconds here comes clerk. got three, up. caitlyn clark requests got in on the call. the senior guard scored a 30 she led the hawkeye's with dominant win over indiana supposed be really good game turned out really in favor by when the second half she is now number five in the all-time scoring list she is on pace to reach number one by seasons and making kubrick which i totally screwed up because of the great when the come from behind when i thought she was part of that. anyway obviously i was in the tarmac to late last night commercially the cereal box? >> you may you make. >> here it is can imagine a little girl you never would have thought this would happen necessarily. it is called caitlyn's crunch time. let's would you like some? >> one cup is one and
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40 calories and 14 grams of sugar. are you in? >> tomorrow. not now. that comes with a heavy grocery store here in des moines all the proceeds from this go to her foundation. she is not even in that wnba yet she's already doing this which is remarkable because she is certainly one to watch it is fun to watch her. >> is a big rivalry. the new coach at lse is going to really give her women's basketball it's really good. she was throwing some shade last weekend. watch for a. >> nobody has taken 40 shots a game like you see across the country. we are not that kind of team. too many kids seconds score the ball they are sharing the wealth. bill: you know what i say what my position is when caitlin clark is in the wnba that sport is going to take off. >> you going get season tickets? what's probably not ... your play in person. she is selling out everywhere she goes. dana: i would love to meters will she's always welcome on the show. bill: breakfast right here.
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>> was a bitter cold night at arrowhead stadium but the chiefs sure knew how to heat it up. kansas city dominated the miami dolphins to the fourth pole this game in nfl history qb patrick mahomes, you know him? he found a wide receiver 28-yard catch and run that's usually what you're doing you catch it. chiefs running back isaiah sealing the game but they 38-yard rushing touchdown that's what you get when you're handed the ball see the difference there, bill question kansas city wins 26 -- seven moves onto the amc division too. >> i attended the coldest gate ever played can you name it? >> 1982 bengals and chargers. >> very good. and the temperature winchell kuester. >> negative 74 per. >> 74 brickwork 72 very good. well done. [laughter] evangelicals will play a critical role on monday night
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put .recent polling for the vast majority are stand behind the former president, president trump. who else are they backing? we'llwill break down the numbert we know as of now, that is coming up. >> it's a grassroots at the bottom line you can take the temperature of the country based on what happens at the caucus. ♪ here's to... one year bolder. ♪ ♪boost♪ nutrition for now. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind.
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bill: evangelicals a key voting bloc here and i will form president trump is a runaway favorite with that group. 51% support in the recent "des moines register" pope with the snow steve scheffler member of the ey iowa faith and freedom coalition. it's so good to see it. good morning pick. >> good to be here. bill: can you explain to our audience that different rents for trump when he came into this contest in 2016 and cruise at one those voters not by a ton but he won those voters. find out trump has won them all over easily for. >> is pretty easy to explain
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back then had been a known supporter of democrats and given money to them. he did not campaign as hard as he could have or should have. i need fast forward two things one he said he would pick supreme court justice is based on the list that was provided to him by the heritage foundation said that he put mike pence on the ticket which had a good track record. then of course when he got elected he did a lot of things he promised to do, unlike a lot of prior republican presidents like moving to msnbc from tel aviv to jerusalem the supreme court nominees, the boa border e whole gamut they are pretty intimidated. dana: was the most important issues facing the country today, we watch as number go up over the year because obviously inflation in the economy are big deal but immigration and border security at 39% now the future of american democracy at 20%. when it comes to evangelical voters where you think they land
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on this? >> i think illegal immigration is a big one. another had not talked about is trying to take them off the ballot like in the state of maine the secretary of state is not elected by the peoples peops elected by the state legislature. there's the irs or the justice department whether it is the fbi. people feel really threatened that if the democrats have a complete trifecta things could be really dicey. religious freedom may not be talked about as much. just west of des moines a couple had a facility they turn into a facility where people could get married there. they wanted to get rid of this it based on religious principles we cannot do that and of course their suit, they found the caveat in the iowa civil rights law. to make a long story short they lost everything they had financially. i think religious liberty is another one. they are concerned and fight and that the democratic control of
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the federal government that bill trump is going to push back. bill: d, thank you for being here jeff a prediction for tomorrow night? >> i think trump overwhelmingly the marjoram have to look at. dana: you think a second? back in place? what second-place could be a tossup. because desantis has a bigger -- better ground game he might come in second period it would not surprise me if haley does a bit up ifdesantis does come in third place i do not know if the train looks good for him because new hampshire that's not is time to show big. bill: we will see. dana: please give our best your wife laura. thank you for being here. >> thank you so much. when show effects and across iowa. it's not stopping the candidates who are out there stumping for votes as temperatures dip well below freezing. here's the net forecast chief meteorologist. >> did you go outside today? >> yes, i did.
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just in the hotel to the corporate boxes that count? what sure how was it? >> my assistant was it's fine it's it's a i'm not fine. >> if you have to spend any time at all it gets dangerous really quickly minus nine right now kansas city, minus 10 in fargo. actual air temperatures in des moines at minus 12 feels like minus 38. there's plenty of wind out there that cuts through you and cools you down and so much more. can go for my hotel to the car and my car back to the convention center. that may be okay give a car accident a lot of snow and here's not going to go anywhere these the windshields you see right now. it's going to get better tomorrow from us they are talking minus 20 minus 25 it's about.
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donald trump turning on fellow candidate vivek ramaswamy calling up the newcomer as a fraud. what is his campaign have to say about that? his wife is going to join us live in des moines at next.
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dana: vivek ramaswamy hoping to pull off a wildcard a wind here in iowa despite recent polling showing his polling stuck in the single digit. his campaign promise to visit the 99 counties twice pretty definitely did that, he almost laughed himself. could it be the key to pull offa offan upset win customers joinig us now is vivek's wife apoorva
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ramaswamy. it's great to be here with you. i imagine when you got married you did not anticipate this of your life. so how has that been for you to all the of the sudden you're on the campaign trail raising your children. i understand your youngest learn to walk on the campaign trail? >> yes exactly w but having toddlers is all but always an adventure more so when we are traveling around the country. it has been a lot of fun. bill: what do you think -- from where i come from i think this is the way you learn about america. how many events 300 abodes? you've been to dozens and dozens of them. what you think iowa has taught you about america? about the system? >> what is been so beautiful is how many people share our values when you are in your own silo you think you are alone. going to so many events all over this country, especially here in iowa has taught us how similar
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we are how similar we are as americans and what shared values we have. dana: one things happened yesterday as president trump took a shot at vivek this is one of the first times he done that he said vivek started his campaign is a great supporter the best present and generations but unfortunately now all he does is disguise his support in d.c. for campaign tricks. very sly but a vote for vivek is a vote for the other side do not get duped for this vote for trump, don't waste your vote. vivek is not maga. >> 's use of it may be he had a little bit of a whole that i was in other spots? >> he is on 390 events more than any other candidate combined. the excitement we are seeing on the ground is infectious it really is. most candidates republican candidate's have two -- 3% people who are new to the republican party. our support is over 40%. the pulse cannot represent where
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our support lies and i am so proud of vivek for having a message that resonates with voters in seven different backgrounds. bill: is been very successful in his private business like you put that money to work in this campaign this is the amount of money each campaign has spent here in iowa. the last nikki haley 3.6 million. ron desantis is at 2 million per donald trump won .8. and vivek's way back to 40000. what is the grass roots sort of a re reit she's trying to accomplish? >> we are not doing this for super pac money this is our own money we are spending it wisely so we are looking at the data. actually going to events more than any other candidate combined so we are investing your time and money. and also in the new media so much of the voter engagement happens in social media these days and that's where a lot of this is happening too. dana: you are a doctor work in healthcare. as you have talked to people in iowa or elsewhere as he has been
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campaigning, the anxiety people have her on healthcare, access to it, the financing of it, how the going to pay for, insurance going up, for the going to lose her job and lose their insurance. how much is at affect you and you think about your choice to go into medicine? and looking at what could be done to try to fix things? >> is such a big problem. i was still very young when the affordable care act was passed. a lot of us were really helpful at the time. i think everyone would love to have more people be able to access healthcare. unfortunately it became lost legislation was sponsored by healthcare insurance companies. for the pharmaceutical companies, people who own hospitals. not actual everyday citizens. and that is to it really benefits. dana: did you hear about anxiety when you talk to people? it's every dated multiple times a day per people are struggling and they need help. b6 was there what issue the seem to pop?
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whether it is healthcare, immigration, or inflation? when they show up at one of your husband's events what is at the top of their list? rex unfortunately there are anxieties and multiple differet issues. people feel insulted in so many different domains they don't feel like the government is representing their needs. so yes immigration. yes healthcare. yes the fact that priorities of other people who are not american are being prioritized over american healthcare and their safety. >> your husband has a chance to surprise a lot of people. we will see whether or not that happens. bill: apoorva thank you for your time. dana: it was so brief in california this if we will see you again. good luck to your kids. bill: as we are talking here south of us in a county called warren we are in des moines pictures in indianola, that is what president trump is about to take the podium but remember yesterday a lot of the stuff was called off not for everyone but for a lot of the events
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yesterday. we are seeing a shuffling of the deck today but he should be up momentarily. we will see what his message is as we continue our coverage live in des moines on caucus eve coming up. men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there's a great "before and after". then, there's the 'after the after' that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) directv sports central brings your games stats and scores together and now you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy...
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♪ [background sounds] bill: so this was an absolute mess, and it went on for a very long time. violence and chaos erupting outside the white house last night. a pro-palestinian protest, ripping down the fence as they chanted for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. now it's the day after, and we're waiting to see what comes next. alexandria hoff is live in d.c. hello to you. >> reporter: hello, bill. yeah, no arrests for now. the protester -- protesters were
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expressing outrage against the president, also chants praigz attacks carried out by houthi rebels on commercial vessels in the red sea too. those were prompted by recent targeted strikes by the u.s. and partner nations on houthi sites in yemen. it was a long day with multiple demonstrations taking place near the white house, and it all took a very chaotic turn as night fell. >> [bleep] [inaudible conversations] >> reporter: this video shows demonstrators taking outrage out on a second dare barrier that was installed around president biden's residence. he was at camp david at the time. objects appear to be the hurled at secret service agents. fencing was also damaged. in a statement, quote, as a precaution, some members of the media and staff in proximity to pennsylvania avenue were temporarily relocated while the issue was being addressed. the secret service made no arrests associated with the march, and there was no property
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damage to the white house or ajays e sent buildings. the d.c. police department thoughs has vowed to investigate and hold accountable anyone involved in what they call illegal and destructive behavior at the event. the metropolitan police department, this comes from the chief here, has long supported safe demonstrations. however, violence, destructive behavior and criminal activities are not tolerated. this morning crews were seen washing graffiti off of the statue at lafayette park, that's across from the white house, so, of course, they're doing damage repair there as well. that wasn't directly to the white house though. remember back in november pro-palestinian protesters used paint to vandalize white house fencing, they also attempted to climb the wrought ire gate back in november. this time secret service brought in that secondary fencing to keep demonstrators further back, bill. bill: alex are, thanks, al sand dray ya of live in d.c. and it may not be over. tayeday no, and it happened on the tonth da


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